Valuing human rights

ConocoPhillips is committed to respecting human rights. We recognize the dignity of all human beings and our core values embrace these inalienable rights: For all people to live their lives free from social, political or economic discrimination or abuse. Our approach is consistent with the human rights philosophies expressed in the following global frameworks:
This includes the core labor standards related to nondiscrimination, freedom of association, right to collective bargaining and avoiding the use of forced or child labor. We perform high-level human rights risk assessments in our global operations to evaluate potential human rights issues. Areas considered include:
- Security and human rights.
- Land rights and relocation.
- Land use.
- Indigenous Peoples issues and rights.
- Company and supplier labor standards.
- Access to water.
- Cultural heritage.
- Vulnerable groups.
Our commitment to human rights is also reflected in our Code of Business Ethics and Conduct. Our Health, Safety and Environment Policy and Supplier Expectations set the standards of behavior and human rights commitments for our people, as well as contractors, suppliers and others who perform work for ConocoPhillips. Read our Human Rights Position.
Human rights due diligence
Consistent with our stakeholder engagement approach, business units (BUs) assess and manage human rights risks. If our operations identify potential human rights concerns, engagement plans and specific actions to manage and mitigate that risk are developed through engagement with the community or other stakeholders. BUs communicate and engage with communities and their representatives on how to contact the company and how to address any concerns or grievances. In addition, all interested stakeholders may access the ConocoPhillips Ethics Helpline to report a potential violation of our Code of Business Ethics and Conduct, which is publicly available on our website.
We continue to offer human rights training globally via computer-based modules to our stakeholder engagement practitioners and other operations staff and management as appropriate based on location.
In addition, in the areas where we operate in vicinity to Indigenous Peoples, our BUs provide cultural awareness training. In many cases, our stakeholder engagement leaders and business leaders will educate themselves through mentors in the Indigenous community or with the help of local experts.
Respecting Indigenous Peoples
When engaging with Indigenous stakeholders, we seek first to understand their social values, cultures and traditions, as well as their expectations and preferences for dialogue and dispute resolution. Our consultations consider traditional land use information and community interests, goals and perspectives on environmental, social and economic topics. We engage with Indigenous communities at regional, local and individual levels by meeting regularly with regional governments, community associations, local leaders and community residents. Our stakeholder engagement professionals work with our asset and operations teams to guide discussions and facilitate cooperation with Indigenous Peoples to address potential operational impacts on the community. Wherever we engage with Indigenous communities, we pursue opportunities to support economic development consistent with Indigenous cultures and community development plans. In some cases, the engagement and consultation may be guided by a formal agreement with the Indigenous community.
Areas where we explore or operate near these communities include the United States, Canada and Australia. Our engagement with Indigenous communities in those locations is consistent with the principles of the International Labour Organization Convention 169 concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Security and human rights
We drive collective action to address security and human rights issues through engagement with government, non-governmental organizations (NGO) and other business stakeholders in the VPSHR. We have been a member of the VPSHR initiative since its inception in 2000. Our social performance guidance directs our VPSHR implementation and our annual report to the VPSHR details our current practices and provides updates for previous years.