The accuracy of the information reflected in our reporting is very important to us. ConocoPhillips discloses our sustainability performance using internationally recognized reporting standards and frameworks. 

Our reporting is in accordance with the GRI Standards and references guidance and standards developed by Ipieca, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). LRQA Inc. has provided independent limited assurance of the disclosures and the 2023 data for the metrics in the performance tables. LRQA Inc. assurance activities included reviewing evidence for the disclosures in the report, interviewing content owners and subject matter experts as required in order to substantiate and corroborate the disclosures, and testing the data for the performance metrics at both corporate and operational levels, via reviews with selected operations. Read the most recent LRQA Inc. statement and GHG assurance letter

We mapped relevant GRI, Ipieca, UN Global Compact Principles, TCFD and SASB disclosures for stakeholder convenience and we continue to assess alignment with other frameworks. We also consider frameworks that are still evolving such as the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures. We provide information to CDP for climate change, Dow Jones Sustainability Index and other organizations that assess the ESG performance of companies. We engage with MSCI, Sustainalytics and ISS E&S QualityScore, all of which rate us based on publicly available information. 

The ConocoPhillips Internal Audit group, which reports to the Audit and Finance Committee, also provided limited assurance of the data included in the report.